A Driver Machine Interface for a Train Driver Simulator

12/06/2015 12:39 Australian Central Standard Time (South Australia)

Driver Machine Interface
Driver Machine Interface
Sydac is an Adelaide based company producing train driver simulators and similar solutions for other fields. These simulators consist of several components, written in C++ and Java. I designed and implemented a so called driver machine interface using Java Swing, Apache Batik, SVG, a proprietary communication framework (JNI) and Hibernate for Rail Corporation NSW. Further tasks concerned the development of a wrapper around the communication framework to simplify its use and the development of a management console (Swing, Batik, Hibernate) for the DMI.

Technologies used:
  • Enterprise Architect, UML
  • Java 1.5
  • Apache Batik and SVG
  • Apache Ant
  • SVN
  • XML
  • Hibernate
  • Comms
View the movie to see it in action:
Screen Capture of the DMI while doing a drive (25 MB swf)